The 2025 US Masters will be held over Thanksgiving Weekend, November 26 – November 30, 2025. The USM is an official US Chess National Championship and part of the FIDE circuit, a leg of the World Championship/Candidates cycle. This 9 round event is both US Chess and FIDE-rated featuring a $25,000 guaranteed prize fund in one section.
The Masters is held just after the 2025 GM/IM Fall Invitational and runs alongside the 2025 NC Open, an open event for players of all ratings with $13,000 in prizes.
November 26 - November 30, 2025
Hilton Charlotte University Place
8629 J M Keynes Drive
Charlotte, NC 28262
$132/Night - King and 2 Queen Options
FREE Internet, FREE Parking
Booking link - Coming Soon
Players are strongly recommended to register online (registration form below)
Online registration until November 26, 4:00pm
On-Site Registration: November 26, 3:00-4:00pm
All registrations after Wednesday November 26, 4:00pm will result in round 1 bye.
Players rated or once rated at least 2200 USCF or FIDE based on an established rating of at least 26 games.
Players with the NM, FM, WFM, or higher titles regardless of rating.
Untitled juniors (born 2006 or after) must be rated 2000+ FIDE or 2100+ USCF at the time of registration (or thereafter, but no peak ratings) to play – additional fee applies.
No exceptions to eligibility rules. Players who do not qualify for the US Masters may enter the NC Open.
Entry fees are based on the title and rating at the time of registration.
CFC and other foreign national masters accepted.
CM and WCM titles are not considered.
Peak ratings are not considered for untitled juniors.
May attend the event but are not allowed in the tournament halls or in the corridors right outside of them.
May enjoy the skittles/lounge/merch area (no cost)
G/90; +30
90 minutes plus a 30 second increment from move 1
200 US Chess Grand Prix Points
$7000 - $3500 - $2000 - $1500 - $1400 - $1200 - $1000
Top U2500 FIDE: $1400 - $700
Top U2350 FIDE: $1200 - $600
Top U2200 FIDE: $1000 - $500
Bonus Prizes (can be won in addition to other prizes)
$500 + US Masters trophy and title for clear first or playoff winner
Top Female: $600 – $300
Top Senior (born 1975 or earlier): $600
GM, IM, WGM, WIM norms available
Norm “Super Swiss” – normal federation requirement waived
FIDE requires at least one Swiss norm to obtain GM/IM/WGM/WIM titles
Day | Date | Round | Time |
Wednesday | November 26 | 1 | 6:00pm |
Thursday | November 27 | 2 | 10:30am |
3 | 4:30pm | ||
Friday | November 28 | 4 | 10:30am |
5 | 4:30pm | ||
Saturday | November 29 | 6 | 10:30am |
7 | 4:30pm | ||
$2000 Blitz | 9:30pm | ||
Sunday | November 30 | 8 | 10:00am |
9 | 4:00pm |
FREE $2,000 Blitz
Saturday, November 29
Starts at 9:30pm
6 Rounds, 2 sections – Championship and Under 2000
All GMs, IMs, WGMs: Free Entry with no deduction if registered by October 10. $200 deducted from prize if registered after October 10.
Titled Player Entry (FM, WIM, WFM, NM): $309 by November 1, $339 by November 15, $379 after November 15.
Untitled Juniors (born 2006 or after) with Peak Ratings Under 2200: Must be rated 2000+ FIDE or 2100+ USCF at the time of registration: $200 more than Titled Player Entry.
Entry fees based on the title/status at the time of registration.
For questions/concerns prior to the event email: events@charlottechesscenter.org
Titled player conditions - walter@charlottechesscenter.org
Withdrawals, use this form
Please read Terms and Conditions and Fair Play Policy
No Spectator Policy: Parents and spectators are not permitted in the playing area and immediate halls.
Registration and bye request window closes November 26 at 4:00pm
Before the event, withdrawals for paid entries will incur a $25 transaction fee until November 25. 50% refunds after November 24 until 2 hours before round 1.
Conditioned players who withdraw (cancel) after November 1 may not be eligible for conditions in future CCC events.
All withdrawals during the event must be submitted at least 90 minutes before the round.
Up to 4 optional half-point byes which must be requested by 4:00pm on November 26.
Norms not possible if taking a bye.
Byes not available to conditioned players without expressed permission of the organizers.
All byes requested after the start of round one are zero-point byes.
Any zero-point byes or withdrawals during the event must be submitted at least 90 minutes before the round in question.
Players who forfeit a round (no show) or do not provide 90-minute notice to withdrawing will incur a $200 fine.
Boards, sets, clocks provided (must use our equipment).
US Chess and FIDE-rated. US Chess membership is required.
November FIDE ratings used for pairings and prizes.
By registering for or attending this event, players and guests grant permission to CCC to take and use photographs and video for purposes related to the event.