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CCC Member price: $120.00

Non-Member price: $130.00


CCC (North)

Class Schedule


Class Day: Sundays

Class Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Eastern

Meeting Location: Charlotte Chess Center - North

Note: Classes meet on the days listed above consistently throughout the year. See class holiday calendar for full year outlook.

Course Details


Students will learn under the tutelage of coach, National Master Dennis Norman. NM Norman is a top player in the state and has a peak US Chess rating of 2219. He is regularly involved with teaching classes for our advanced and master class students.

Who Are These Courses Best Suited For?

Students who have graduated from the Advanced Level course. Students who have had regular formal instruction and significant tournament experience. Great for players with US Chess ratings 1000-1500.

Course Goals

To ensure that students are properly trained as they work their way up the rating ladder. Chess becomes increasingly more difficult as you get better. Students will learn from the top coaches in the Southeast and have a competitive advantage over their peers.


All materials are provided for class.


Considerations for progression include but are not limited to: mastery of topics introduced, completion of homework, class participation and performance.

The CCC's custom leaderboard feature allows instructors to see the amount of effort students are putting in away from class. Instructors will also use the leaderboard tool as a way to monitor student progress.

Once the instructor believes the student is ready to progress, they will notify the parents and classes administrator.

Progress Reports

Parents receive a monthly progress report with key areas of growth and improvement.

Elite Team

Once students surpass the 1500 rating mark, they are eligible to take part in our Elite Chess Team program. A program subsidized by the CCC to provide high level training for our top students.

Other Notes

Why Is Tournament Chess Important to Learning? Read this Study About Its Correlation To Reading and Math Scores.

Managing Expectations

More insight provided here on what to expect in terms of chess growth.

Enrollment Info

Student Expectations:

Attend the classes scheduled. Complete all assigned homework.

Make-Up Classes:

Because Master Classes are only held once a week, there are no make-up classes. Students will be able to access a recording of the lesson should they miss a class.

Cost for Class:

$120.00 / month for CCC members

$130.00 / month for non-members

Join the CCC and Save - Only $50 a year - Save on camps, classes, tournaments and more!

Joining Mid-Month?

Students may join during an ongoing month at a prorated fee. Simply enroll now!

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